Tastes of 2018 galleries 25 May 2018Click on the links below to view a galleryPhotos by The Wine Taster Craven Wines, 18 MayMiles Mossop, 1 JuneBlackwater Wines and The Foundry, 15 JuneSchultz Family Wines and Laarman Wines, 29 JuneBizoe Wines, 13 JulyB Vintners and Thorne & Daughters, 27 JulyTop Women in Wine: Rianie Strydom & Marelise Niemann, 10 AugustCrystallum and The Blacksmith wines, 24 August Savage wines, David & Nadia and Cape Rock, 7 September Migliarina Wines, 21 SeptemberSwartland Showcase, 5 OctoberFriends of The Vineyard, 26 October